Boulder Amethyst: Beautiful Amethyst Geodes, Cathedrals and Display Pieces

Hi and thanks for stopping by the website for Boulder Amethyst, an amethyst-focused home based rock shop just a few minutes from Boulder Colorado, near Flat Irons Mall.  We carry amethyst geodes, display pieces and cathedrals, along with smaller pieces such as beautiful deep purple amethyst rocks and shaped amethyst hearts.  

  • I hand pick my amethyst in person, from a wholesaler who hand picks them in Brazil and Uruguay.  Being able to see and touch individual pieces in person gives a lot more information than looking at a static online image, which is how most wholesalers and nearly all retailers need to buy amethyst.
  • If you don’t see what you’re looking for in my collection, I can usually find a great match through my wholesaler within days.
  • I carry beautiful rich, deep purple amethyst geodes and cathedrals as well as other amethyst display pieces and smaller amethyst items like rocks and shaped hearts. 

Because this is a home based amethyst rock shop,  please call or text to arrange a time to take a look at my collection. Short notice is usually workable.

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